Drug and alcohol addiction is no walk in the park. Whether you’re going through it yourself or you’ve watched a loved one struggle, addiction always takes its toll. Those lucky enough to have made it through alive should consider themselves truly fortunate. Most addicts and alcoholics drink or drug constantly, which makes stopping abruptly extremely uncomfortable at a minimum, and potentially deadly at its worst. Beyond the medical issues that can potentially arise, there are still many psychological factors that accompany detox. All of this can be a lot to take in, and even scary for our guests and families alike. First-time guests, in particular, can have anxiety from not knowing what to expect. Detox shouldn’t be a time to worry, it should be a time for healing and recovery. The right detox facility can make a world of difference.
When a guest arrives at detox, typically the first thing they do is go through the intake process. Each facility is different but generally, some basic information is taken, followed by a property search for everyone’s safety. Once the basics are taken care of, guests are given a medical assessment to address any immediate concerns or dangers. A full medical history is also taken.
From there, guests will meet with their psychiatrist, who work with them to get a more complete history of their addiction and what may have led them there. This information is used to develop a treatment plan that will work best for them. They will also explain the schedule as well as what to expect during their stay. Next, a case manager will discuss any other areas that may need addressing during treatment, such as work or legal issues. Finally, a behavioral health tech will take the guest to their room so they can unpack their belongings. Additionally, guests are encouraged to ask questions at anytime during the intake process.
The detox experience we provide at Royal Life Detox is built off of sincerity, care, comfort and our dedication to helping those who struggle with addiction. Our caring approach is extended to all of our guests who come to us for help at Royal Life Detox. By no means is this exactly how everyone’s experience will be. There are many different circumstances that can arise from person to person. Unfortunately, some facilities use a one-size fits all approach for everyone. Not only does this thinking create potentially dangerous situations, but is also a serious disservice to guests. Everyone is unique and deserves to be treated as an individual. A great facility, such as Royal Life Centers at Arizona Detox, makes sure the guest always comes first, especially as they begin their journey of recovery.