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Bipolar Depression and Alcohol Abuse: Do They Make Each Other Worse?

Bipolar Depression and Alcohol Abuse

Living with bipolar disorder is like existing on extreme ends of an emotional spectrum with few moments balanced in the middle.  Unfortunately,  bipolar depression and alcohol abuse often co-occur as people attempt to self-medicate for their mental health issues.  More than 5.7 million people (about 2.6% of the entire population) struggle with the condition, well […]

Why Alcohol Rehab in Arizona Could Change Your Life

Alcohol Rehab in Arizona

Though the stages of alcoholism follow a familiar clinical trajectory, alcohol abuse disorder may seem like it creeps up without warning. What may start as a drink now and again can quickly turn problematic in seemingly the blink of an eye. Thankfully, alcohol rehab in Arizona is an option for those who are ready to […]

What Is Cocaine, a Stimulant or Depressant?

What is Cocaine

What Is Cocaine, a Stimulant or Depressant? As cocaine abuse continues to prove problematic across the nation, so too are confusions rising over exactly what type of drug it is. Because of the many different side effects cocaine can have, it can be difficult to categorize it as a stimulant or depressant without background knowledge. […]

Where Can I Find Alcohol Rehab in Arizona?

Alcohol Rehab in Arizona

There are many addiction treatment centers in Arizona helping those struggling with alcohol use disorders. If you are looking for an Arizona alcohol rehab program, Royal Life Centers offers the comprehensive and effective care you need to achieve long-term recovery from alcohol addiction. What Is an Alcohol Rehab Center? An alcohol rehab center is a […]

How Long Does It Take to Detox From Alcohol?

Detox From Alcohol

How long it takes to detox from alcohol depends on multiple factors. These include how long you have been drinking, how much you drink, what you drink, and if you also abuse other drugs. If you drink alcohol every day or binge drink, you will likely experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms within a few hours if […]