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5 Spiritual Awakenings, As Told By Former Addicts

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A spiritual awakening is what is said to happen after working a program of recovery. We define a spiritual awakening as a moment of intense clairty, shift of thought, “God moment”, or any moment in which an intense flooding of emotion comes followed by a change in self. Former alcoholics and addicts accredit their spiritual […]

Can You Do Addiction Treatment at Home?

Can You Do Addiction Treatment at Home?

Drug or alcohol addiction is a complex condition, which requires professional help in order to learn about and overcome your substance use disorder. Of course it isn’t impossible to partially treat yourself at home, with medication or therapeutic activities, however, overcoming a drug addiction requires you to learn a new way of life. Royal Life […]

What is the Best Treatment for Drug Addiction?

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Substance Use Disorder If you or a loved one meets two or more of these points below, within a 12-month period, please call (877)-RECOVERY or (888) 559-5109 to speak with one of our addiction specialists about treatment options. Our team makes themselves available to talk to you 24/7. Taking the substance in larger amounts or […]

Can Alcoholic People Successfully Rehab?

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According to the Centers for Disease Control, six people die from alcohol poisoning each day. Alcoholism is unfortunately very common in the United States. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that over 15 million Americans over the age of 18 are living with an alcohol use disorder. At Royal Life Centers Detox, […]

What is the Best Rehab Program for Drug Addiction?

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Just searching for the closest “treatment center near me” will not bring results that carry comprehensive addiction treatment centers. Unfortunately, there are many rehabs that claim to be the best rehab program, but do not offer options that fit each stage of recovery from alcohol or drug addiction. Royal Life Centers offers comprehensive addiction treatment, […]

What Happens in Alcohol Detox?

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Alcohol Use Disorder Unfortunately, alcohol use disorder is very common. Alcohol is a substance that causes harm to an individual who abuses it, or even just may drink too much. Alcohol abuse does not just affect those addicted to it, but also all those who come in contact with that person. The National Council on […]

How To Get Rid of Alcohol and Drug Addiction

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Alcohol and Drug Addiction Addiction is a complex disease, recognized by medical professionals around the world. Science based research recommends a treatment plan of action that treats addiction like the disease that it is. Thanks to researchers, we know more about how alcohol and drug addiction impacts brain functioning. At Royal Life Centers, our treatment […]

What is Medical Detox?

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Why Not Do a Home Detox? Detoxing from alcohol and drugs is extremely dangerous and life threatening. Detox symptoms can range from mild to severe, with symptoms that include anything from nausea to delirium tremens. Doing an alcohol or drug detox without the proper knowledge on detoxification and the side effects involved, puts one in […]

What is it Like to Be a Heroin Addict?

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What is it Like to be a Person Struggling with an Illicit Drug Addiction? If you are unfamiliar with substance abuse, you are probably wondering what is it like to be in active addiction? With heroin addicts, active addiction feels like an endless cycle of being “dope sick,” brainstorming ways to get money or get […]